Internal podcasts

Internal podcasts are great for company-wide communication. There are many use-cases for internal company podcasts, like employee on-boarding, employee training and even replacing meetings.

Start an internal podcast
Try Huge for free, no credit card required.

What's possible

Internal podcasts are adaptable inside your company.

Company communication

Send a unified message to all employees or to specific teams. Make calls, webinars and knowledge available any time, anywhere.

Employee on-boarding

Create a series of audio posts explaining on-boarding steps for new employees. Audio can be more engaging that written content.

Employee training

Publish a course or educational content as an audio series, available in podcast apps and online.

Meeting replacements

Instead of requiring everyone to be on a call, record a message and distribute it to colleagues to listen to at a time that works for them.

Investor updates

Share a monthly update to your investors. Create a more personable update with audio.

Internal media

Boost morale and team bonding by publishing an in-company podcast. Share insights, employee stories and get your company involved.

Product run-through

What makes Huge a perfect platform for internal podcasting?

Private posts

When publishing a new post, just select "Members only". This will make sure only members can view and listen to your content. Huge creates private feeds for each member and you can track who is listening in.

Publishing to any podcast app

A private podcast can be loaded into most listening apps, making it easy for colleagues to listen to new content. Members can use Huge's one-tap system to add their unique private feed to their app of choice.

Full access control

Your Huge-powered content is only available to those you want it to be. Easily add and remove access to different colleagues. You can even disable podcast feeds entirely and ask members to log in and listen through your Huge-hosted website instead.

Audio + text publishing

Huge's hybrid publishing platform lets you send out audio or text-based content to your members. Audio posts can be listened to as a podcast. Text posts can be read online like a blog. Members can get email notifications for all new posts.

A wonderful writing experience

Huge's editor is simple and powerful. Add text formatting, links and 🏞️ images to your podcast show notes or text-based posts in Huge's pared-back writing environment.

Analytics and activity overview

Member reads and listens are tracked, giving you a brilliant overview of how your content is being consumed throughout your audience.

Get started

How to set up an internal podcast with Huge.

1. Create a publication

Be ready in seconds. Sign up with your email address and give your new publication a name. Choose a subdomain and you're already ready to start adding members and writing posts!

2. Add colleagues

Import colleagues using just their email address. New members will be able to instantly log in to your site and grab their unique podcast feed as well as view new posts on your hosted site.

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3. Create and publish private posts

Write in Huge's beautiful editor. Choose whether each posts should be private or public. Members can receive email notifications for new posts and all new audio will be added to their private podcast feeds.

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4. View analytics and member activity

As members listen to audio posts on your hosted site or in podcast apps, or log in to read text-based posts, your dashboard will fill up with useful charts and metrics. View member activity and understand how your content is being consumed and by whom.

Start an internal podcast
Try Huge for free, no credit card required.

Learn more

Keep reading about internal podcasting on the Huge blog.


Some other interesting ways to use private podcasts.

For Creators

Premium feeds

Post extra episodes in a separate podcast feed for your biggest fans.

For Creators


Record your book and publish as a podcast. Send each customer their personal podcast feed.

For Creators

Audio newsletters

Create an audio version of each of your email newsletters and offer it as part of your paid plan.

For Creators

Local news

Create a sustainable new platform by publishing local news for your town or region for a small monthly fee.

For Creators

Ad-free feeds

Create a private feed with ad-free episodes, available to your paying members.

For Creators

Early access feeds

Release new podcast episodes early to your paying members in their private member feeds.